Projecting Britain: The Guide to British Cinemagazines
Projecting Britain explores a film genre neglected for decades: the cinemagazine. Watched by millions, both in Britain and abroad, these fascinating ‘screen magazines’ reflected all aspects of popular culture from fashions and fads, to football and factories. This volume spans the history of the cinemagazine from the first known example, Kinemacolor Fashion Gazette released in 1913, through Mining Review and Look at Life to those still produced today, such as Prisons Video Magazine.
A remarkably pervasive and popular form of screen entertainment, cinemagazines reveal a fascinating visual document of Britain in the twentieth century.Projecting Britain includes
- A comprehensive directory of 130 cinemagazine series from 1913 to the present day
- Six articles which examine the cinemagazine as the ‘colour supplement’ of the cinema programme, a public relations tool and purveyor of propaganda
- Original texts including correspondence, memos and extracts from books and journals
- A resources section, including a list of archive holdings and descriptive bibliography
Edited by Emily Crosby and Linda Kaye,
Published August 2008. pbk. 220 pages, ISBN 978-0-901299-78-9
Price £19.99 (£17.99 to BUFVC members) plus £2.50 postage and packing within the UK, £6 elsewhere.