Media Screen Round-up, June 2016

The monthly roundup of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research and published at the BUFVC by Andrew Ormsby

This month’s round-up includes journal articles on the use of early newsreel footage in war reporting, and a look at how amateur films were used to construct identity in postwar Britain.

Giorgio Bertellini’s article ‘Dramatizing the Italian-Turkish War (1911–12): Reports of Atrocities, Newsreels, and Epic Films in Italy and the USA’, uses the little-cited example of the so-called Italian-Turkish War of 1911-1912 to show how initial reports of Italian atrocities gave way – filtered through newsreel reports – to pro-Italian coverage based on familiar anti-Oriental narratives.

Matthew Kerry’s article  ‘Representations of the Family in Postwar British Amateur Film: Family Histories in the Lane and Scrutton Collection at the East Anglian Film Archive’, examines how amateur filmmakers ideologically constructed a story of family and national identity, with particular reference to films made between 1948 and 1961 in the Sidney Lane and Cecil Scrutton collection at the East Anglian Film Archive.

For more details click on the link below:

Media Screen Roundup June 2016

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