Media Screen Roundup – July 2013

With the new BBC series Sherlock imminent and the revelation of the new Doctor Who, it seems appropriate that these two icons of British popular culture are presented in the latest Roundup. Sherlock and his recent manifestations are discussed in Sherlock Holmes for the 21st Century edited by Lynnette Porter which has 14 essays on the detective as cultural icon. Guy Ritchie’s incarnation of Sherlock also features in a chapter in Loock’s, Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan Productions. Often overlooked, John Watson has his own book by Kieran McMullen in The Many Watsons which traces the actors and actress who have played the detective’s sidekick in film and TV.

As for the Doctor, there is Richard Molesworth’s revised and updated edition of Wiped!: Doctor Who’s Missing Episodes and an autobiography of John Leeson, the voice of K9 from Doctor Who.

Indian cinema is well represented with Sinha’s , Cinema, Transnationalism, and Colonial India: Entertaining the Raj; Gokulsing’s ,Routledge Handbook of Indian Cinemas and Mazzarella’s , Censorium: Cinema and the Open Edge of Mass Publicity which explores breaks and continuities in film censorship in India from 1910 to the 1990s. Censorship also features in Jennifer Fronc’s Local Public Opinion: The National Board of Review of Motion Pictures and the Fight Against Film Censorship in Virginia, 1916–1922.

Angle Smith and Michael Higgins contribute another article on Kate Adie in Strategy, Evasion and Performance in the Live Two-way: Kate Adie Reporting from Iraq for the BBC. The authors previously published an article on her reporting of the 1986 Tripoli bombings in, Not one of U.S.: Kate Adie’s report of the 1986 US bombing of Tripoli and its critical aftermath.

And finally, Martin Stollery has written on the work of newsreel commentators in,  The Newsreel Commentator, the Actor, the Intellectual, and the Broadcaster: Celebrity and Personality Voices in Classic British Documentary.

Media Screen Roundup (July 2013) IHR-BUFVC.pdf (235Kb)


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