New Cookies & Privacy FAQ

To comply witht he new regulations that came into effect on 26 May 2012, the BUFVC has published its Privace and Cookies Policy for its homepage at Bob National, which can be acccessed here:

The Information Commisioner’s Office has published a new video that aims to answer many of the questions about the new requirements relating to the use of cookies on the web. Topics covered include:

  • How can UK organisations comply with the new cookies changes?
  • Is the ICO concerned that many websites aren’t yet compliant?
  • What approach will the ICO be adopting to enforcing the amended cookies laws?
  • What are the benefits of complying with the new cookies regulations?
  • What should members of the public do if they are concerned about cookies being placed on their device?
  • How is the ICO working with web browsers and third party advertisers to ensure they comply with the changes?

For further information, visit the ICO homepage at:

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