New reviews at Viewfinder Online

Some of the latest reviews now published at Viewfinder Online include:

Love’s Labour’s Lost – Eve-Marie Oesterlen looks at the DVD release of the 2009 Globe production of Shakespeare’s evergreen comedy.

Touch of Evil – Professor James Chapman analyzes all three version of Orson Welles groundbreaking exploration of life on the US-Mexican border, now available on Blu-ray and DVD in an edition offering 5 separate viewing options.

Her Private Hell – Jonathan Rigby reviews the British cult classic restored in HD by the BFI and released as part of their Flipside series. The disc’s producer, Josephine Botting, also provides an essay on how the eventual release finally came together after several years of effort.

Dr Felicity J. Colman reviews the new edition of AL Rees’ A History of Experimental Film and Video.

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