Free event: ERA Plus

How to implement online services based on the ERA Plus Licence

Thursday 9 September 2010, 10.30am – 3.30pm

FREE EVENT (see below for booking instructions)

  • Are you an existing or potential ERA Plus Licence holder?
  • Want to understand the benefits and requirements of the ERA Plus Licence?
  • Developing your own online video system for television and radio delivery?
  • Interested in making television and radio recordings available off-campus?
  • Want to understand the importance of GeoIP and authentication?

This free one-day event will take an in-depth, pragmatic look at the ERA Plus Licence and how to use it within education establishments, including:

  • the benefits and requirements of the licence
  • security, authentication and geographical identification issues
  • technical solutions
  • practical case studies from current users

Cartoon ERA Plus conference 2010

How to book and more information

Visit this event’s page for more information and to download the booking form.


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