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Report and interview with President of the NUM, Joe Gormley about the call for industrial action over the closure of Deep Duffryn Colliery in South Wales and the NUM demand for a sixty per cent pay rise....
A Welsh man (not identified) talks to Graham White? about the threatened closure of Deep Duffryn Colliery in South Wales and implications for further closures in Wales of uneconomic pits.
Speech by leader of the Yorkshire division of the NUM, Arthur Scargill, at the NUM conference in Jersey, about the closure of Deep Duffryn Colliery in South Wales and pledges to campaign on behalf of the...
Vice-President of the NUM, Mick Mcgahey, gives a speech at the NUM annual conference in Jersey supporting the miners at Deep Duffryn Colliery, which faces closure.
President of the NUM, Joe Gormley, talks to Graham White? about the call for industrial action over the threatened closure of Deep Duffryn Colliery in South Wales.
Report on the NUM conference in Eastbourne with debate focusing on the possible closure of pits. Speaking are: Scottish miners leader Mick McGahey; Yorkshire miners leader Arthur Scargill; National Coal...
Interview with Trade Secretary John Biffen on LWT Weekend World television programme, about the Government giving in to miners’ demands in the recent dispute and on Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s...
Report on an interview by Trade Secretary, John Biffen on LWT’s Weekend World television programme in which he expressed concern over the Government giving in to the miners prior to a possible strike. Also...
Interview with Chairman of the National Coal Board (NCB), Sir Derek Ezra, explaining why pits have to close for the industry to survive the recession, and the steps they are taking to appease the NUM. Male...
Report on the threat of strike action by the NUM after plans for pit closures were announced by the National Coal Board (NCB). Bridgend NUM President Emlyn Williams announces a strike at his coalfield; NUM...
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