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Rhodes Boyson MP on the problem of truancy. The ILEA has reported an increase this (last?) year. Boyson attributes the disaffection of older students partly to the raising of the school leaving age; these...
Bob Holness interviews Conservative MP and former headmaster Dr Rhodes Boyson on the publication of a new so-called black paper on education standards. He speaks about the decline in standards of schools;...
Conservative MP, Rhodes Boyson reacts to an appeal victory by the new Conservative-controlled Tameside, Greater Manchester, council, after it formally rejected a controversial plan for comprehensive...
Peter Spencer reports on the IRA Balcombe Street siege (1975) and other terrorist attacks by the organisation after the end of the resulting trial in 1977. Interviews with Edward Heath MP (by Julian Manyon);...
Brian Hayes is joined by Rhodes Boyson, Conservative spokesman for education, who discusses the subject of teaching standards, and answers the question, are our children getting a good education? Next is...
Interview with Conservative MP Rhodes Boyson who is critical of Labour’s proposal to abolish the House of Lords; he says it demonstrates the Marxist tendencies of groups that are moving into Labour. Male...
Interview with Conservative MP and former headmaster Dr. Rhodes Boyson on politics in schools and on the National Front’s campaign to recruit children. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Peter Spencer).
Two clips, featuring firstly Conservative MP Rhodes Boyson, the second, Chairman of the British Union of Family Organisations (poss. Maurice O’Leary) respond to the planning of a London conference by a...
Interview with Conservative MP and former headmaster Rhodes Boyson, on Andy Bevan, National Youth Organiser of the Labour Party and youth politics in schools. Interviewer not identified. Please be aware...
After Arab terrorist attacks on the streets of London, Conservative MP Rhodes Boyson states Britain has enough problems in society without the threat of international terrorism, measures taken should include...
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