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Report from the 1982 Liberal Assembly in Bournemouth, on reaction to the massacres in Beirut Palestinian refugee camps by Christian militias. Speakers include: Sayeed Ron(?), Israeli Consul-General in...
Report on a debate involving the Young Liberals at the Liberal Party Assembly in Bournemouth, about a social charter for youth. Speakers include: David Alton, Liverpool MP; John Bradford, Liberal councillor;...
Report on the vote taken by the National League of Young Liberals at the Annual Liberal Assembly calling for the withdrawal of British troops from Northern Ireland, and the reunification of Ireland. Chairman...
Richard Dallyn reports from the Liberal Party conference in Bournemouth. With speeches on civil liberties and the Conservative Government, in particular on the banning of trade union membership at GCHQ. The...
A summary of some of the main topics covered at the Liberal Party conference, with speech exerpts from Paul Nichols(?), Alan Beith, Janice Turner, Nicholas Winch(?) and Janet Skipworth. Female reporter not...
Report on the reform of the social security system, which has been criticised for hitting the poorest in society. Opinions from Janice Turner of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux;...
The biggest changes in Britain’s social security system for forty years came into force today, and were marked by protests and demonstrations across the country. Julian Rush reports; contributors are...
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