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Hugh Orgel reports on opposition to new Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s offer of the Foreign Minister post to General Moshe Dayan, which may threaten Begin’s Likud Party’s ability to form a...
Interview with an unidentified speaker about wage demands of trade unions and likely outcome of forthcoming conference; views on trade union leaders Jack Jones; Hugh Scanlon; Joe Gormley; Lord Allen (Alf...
Hugh Orgel reports on the opening of peace talks in Jerusalem, in which ministers of Israel, Egypt and the USA are taking part. Summarizes the main points made. Includes excerpts of speeches by US Secretary...
Hugh Orgel reports on Egypytian-Israeli efforts to continue peace negotiations.
Hugh Orgel reports from Tel Aviv on a Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) attack on a bus in Israel and speech by Israeli premier Menachem Begin on the manhunt for terrorists, curfew imposed and...
Hugh Orgel reports on the Israeli Cabinet’s acceptance of the peace accord agreed at Camp David in the United States between Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
Hugh Orgel interviews Rosemary Gill, wife of Tony Gill, British businessman in Egypt, after he was accused of being involved in an assassination plot against former Libyan Prime Minister Abdel-Hamid Bakoush.
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