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Peter Spencer reports on the final campaigning by the main parties in the 1983 General Election, with opinion polls showing a clear lead for the Conservatives. Speakers include: Billy Connolly, comedian;...
Gill Pyrah interviews ornithologist and conservationist, Sir Peter Scott, following the release of his latest volume of diaries, Travel Diaries of a Naturalist. The programme also contains the afternoon’s...
Comedian Billy Connolly’s partner Pamela Stephenson has given birth to a daughter. Connolly discusses with press the couple’s relationship with the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson who has also recently...
Interview with comedian Billy Connolly about having his favourite banjo stolen from a backstage dressing room before a show at the City Hall in Newcastle. Male interviewer not identified.
BAFTA compere Billy Connolly introduces Elizabeth Hurley who announces the nominations for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role: John Hannah and Simon Callow (Four Weddings and a Funeral), Paul Scofield (Quiz...
London News reporter Lizzie Knight joined the stars at the London Palladium and gives a summary of the 1995 BAFTAs where Four Weddings and a Funeral got 5 awards. Hugh Grant says the BAFTAs are very British....
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