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Speech in the Commons by Dennis Skinner MP, on the explosion at Houghton Main Colliery in south Yorkshire that has resulted in five deaths and one man with serious injuries. Asks that investigation takes...
Interview with an unidentified male speaker (poss. a union representative) about the need for an employee grievance procedure to help employees settle disputes. He speaks about how this may help stop strikes...
Labour politician Michael Foot is interviewed on the reasoning behind the Dock Labour Bill, and claims the bill seeks to solve problems caused by bad industrial relations, and discredits the Conservative...
Jim Prior Conservative MP interviewed on the subject of the Dock Labour Bill being introduced by the Labour Government. He claims it is a bad move for British industry, would give too much power to the dock...
Interview with Sheila Matthews, who won an out-of-court settlement (04/10/76?) for unfair dismissal by her employer, McCulloch and Wallis, a wholesale drapery firm. Mrs Matthews had previously (12/75) been...
Interview with an Electricity Board worker on the strikes which will be discussed at a meeting with Prime Minister James Callaghan. The Electricity Board workers are trying to secure better wages and...
An Electricity Board spokesman describes the measures that need to be taken to avoid an official strike. Negotiations focussing on more pay, and subsidy for getting to work. Some power stations are on...
Interview with Jim Jardine chairman of the Police Federation. With police leaving the force, officer numbers are down and without an answer to the pay disputes, recruitment is low. Right to strike will be...
Interview with Kenneth Lomas MP for Huddersfield, on his decision not to seek re-election. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Ed Boyle).
Report on dispute at Grunwick Film Processing Laboratories, London, that employs mainly immigrants, after 35 weeks on strike over wages, working conditions and rights to join a trade union. Covers a...
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