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Interview with broadcasting standards campaigner Mary Whitehouse calling for the resignation of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Thomas Hetherington, over the issue of the sale of violent and...
Interview with former Commander of Scotland Yard’s Anti-Terrorist Squad, Peter Duffy, on his new role as head of the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT), established to protect the film industry...
Report on the annual congress of the National Viewers and Listeners’ Association (NVLA), led by anti-pornography campaigner Mary Whitehouse, with a call to the Government to tighten the obscenity laws....
An investigation into the effects of video nasties on children. Includes interviews with an unidentified video retailer; Chairman of the Parliamentary Group Video Inquiry, Lord George Nugent; psychologist Dr...
Conservative MP Graham Bright on his so-called Video Nasties bill, which aims to control the distribution of offensive video recordings. Female interviewer not identified (poss. Judith Dawson).
Steve Jones Show with special guest musician and songwriter Mike Oldfield interviewed on his first album, Tubular Bells, released 15 years ago; humour in his music; vocalists he has used; venturing into...
Julie Benson reports on a row involving Prince Charles (Prince of Wales) following a speech at a meeting of cinema directors where he lectured about film and television violence and video nasties. Includes...
Report on a comedy sketch video made by Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and also starring John Cleese giving a message to improve the environment to business leaders. Includes excerpts from the video. Female...
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, on the message he broadcast via the BBC World Service to the hostages in Lebanon, particularly Terry Waite. He discusses the possibility of the Church helping...
Video featuring last American hostage in Beirut, Terry Anderson, where he criticises the foreign policy of the United States and Israel. The video, released by Islamic Jihad, coincides with the supposed...
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