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Prime Minister Harold Wilson, interviewed on the current affairs television programme World in Action, speaking on his first year in government; the threat of economic disaster; inflation; his election...
Interview with Sir Keith Joseph, former Conservative Social Services Secretary, on Conservative economic policy, British Leyland subsidy and possibility their policy will cause unemployment. Interviewer not...
TUC General Secretary Len Murray discusses trade union proposals to stem inflation. He says unemployment needs to drop, and discusses wage increases.
Len Murray, General Secretary of the TUC, discusses the meeting between the General Council and MPs, about the pay increase the Members have been given. He discusses inflation and the economy. Male...
Unemployed people demonstrate in London. General opinion is that the Government has not put enough investment into industry, thus causing job cuts. Includes discussion of the role of trade unions. Includes...
Rhodes Boyson MP on the problem of truancy. The ILEA has reported an increase this (last?) year. Boyson attributes the disaffection of older students partly to the raising of the school leaving age; these...
Chrysler has announced massive job cuts in the UK. Labour MPs Doug Hoyle and George Park, Conservative MP Michael Heseltine, and MPs in Chrysler-employed areas Labour MP Norman Buchan and Les Huckfield all...
Employment Secretary, Michael Foot philosophises on the world economic crisis, suggesting new strategies that Britain must adopt in order to face it.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey discusses the cuts in public spending, describing the implications of the rise in public expenditure. He states more investment is needed in the manufacturing...
Interview with Conservative leader Margaret Thatcher about the UK’s economic problems, and points the finger directly at the current Labour Government. With high unemployment and high inflation, Thatcher...
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