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Report on Prime Minister Edward Heath’s speech in Glasgow, calling for votes in the upcoming EEC elections. Male reporter not identified.
Interview with Industry Secretary Sir Keith Joseph defending Government plans to cut regional development aid to industrial problem areas, and arguing regions with most enterprise and best co-operation...
Peter Murphy Parliamentary report on Industry Secretary Sir Keith Joseph’s announcement of planned cuts in regional development aid to industrial problem areas, and the row over the delayed arrival of the...
Interview with Director-General of the CBI, Sir John Methven, with CBI reaction to the planned Government cuts in regional development aid to industrial problem areas. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with Labour Party Opposition industry spokesman Les Huckfield on the planned Government cuts in regional development aid to industrial problem areas, and the job losses which may result. Male...
Decision Makers: Inner City Jobs, presented by Tom Maddocks on migration to rural areas of individuals and businesses from the inner cities, and knock-on effects of increased unemployment and urban...
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