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Speech by UK Foreign Secretary James Callaghan, about the European Community and intentions of the new Labour government to renegotiate with the EEC and put choices before the British public.
Peter Allen interviews UK Chancellor Denis Healey on the Government’s proposed wealth tax. It looks at the difference that it will make to the average person, what the money will be used for, how the money...
Speech (election broadcast?) by Conservative Party leader Edward Heath on the problems the UK faces and what the government needs to do, including extract about a trade union strike. Sound level low.
Report on the press conference featuring MP Christopher Mayhew about his decision to quit Labour for the Liberals. He speaks about the Liberal-Labour alliance, how the divisiveness of the party had got...
Interview with Conservative Party leader Edward Heath following his visit to China. He speaks about his meeting with the Chinese leaders, Russian objections to his visit, the gift of two pandas, and why he...
Speech by Industry Secretary Tony Benn. It looks at the Labour Party’s policy on government investment in industry and the need for the initiative to come from within industry.
Liberal Party spokesman (not identified) on the new generation of employees that are demanding to have a say in decisions that affect them. Speaking following an Industrial Society conference. Covering...
Interview with Labour MP and Chief Whip Bob Mellish on the announcement of the date for the next general election (10/10/74). He speaks about why the election has been called - the second in 1974. Male...
BBC1 interview of Conservative Party leader Edward Heath on the upcoming election. The need for an election, Conservative policies, election issues including nationalisation and economic crisis and whether...
Speech by UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson on the announcement of a general election date of 10/10/74. He speaks about the problems the new Labour government inherited and how to solve them, the economic...
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