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First live broadcast of UK Parliament on radio, 09/06/75. The presenter is Peter Allen. The speakers include Harold Wilson, Prime Minister; Margaret Thatcher, Leader of the Opposition; Jeremy Thorpe, leader...
Peter Allen interviews Conservative MP Francis Pym on his plans to vote against the Government during a vote tonight to adjourn the annual public expenditure white paper debate.
Ed Boyle reports on a session of Parliament that went on until the next day’s session. Looks at the topics that caused the session to run over: devolution, Europe and inflation.
Report on the broadcasting of House of Commons debates. Speaker of the House, George Thomas, Lord Chancellor Lord Elwyn Jones, Lord President Michael Foot, and Londoners comment. Also includes archive...
Lord Chancellor Lord Elwyn Jones on the radio broadcasting of debates in the House of Commons. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Ed Boyle).
Gwilym Roberts, Labour MP for Cannock, on his parliamentary question on devolution and the Welsh language. His question will be broadcast and he expresses some trepidation about the combination of...
John Farr, Conservative MP, on the benefits of televising live parliamentary debates as opposed to broadcasting them on the radio. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Ed Boyle).
Richard Wainwright, Liberal MP for Colne Valley, says his party influenced the Government’s amendment to the Parliamentary steel debate. Male interviewer not identified.
James Kilfedder, Independent Ulster Unionist MP for North Down, says the Northern Ireland Parliamentary debate achieved nothing. He says only 20 MPs, other than Northern Ireland members, were present at the...
Decision Makers. A four-part look back at a year of political change in Westminster (1981), presented by Peter Spencer. Foci include the Labour Party’s new rules for choosing a new leader (excerpts of...
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