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Brian Hayes revisits the week’s shows and interviews with guests: Sally Oppenheim, opposition spokesman on prices and consumer protection and the new Price Commission Amendment Bill; Dr Michael Wilkes,...
Decision Makers presented by Alan Mitchell, on overcrowding in Britain’s prisons. Interviews with Geoff Coggan, PROP; John McVicar, ex-convict; Dennis Trevelyan, Director-General of the Prison Service;...
Decision Makers-Rise in homelessness, presented by Richard Bestic. Why people end up on the streets and why the numbers are increasing. The stereotypes and reality of an unhappy and often alcoholic life. How...
Interview with Louis Blom-Cooper, Howard League for Penal Reform, on the need for prison reform following a House of Commons vote against reintroducing capital punishment. Interviewer not heard.
Report on the first of a series of seminars at King’s College, Cambridge organised by the Howard League for Penal Reform to examine the future of the criminal justice system in Britain. Includes speeches...
Judge Stephen Tumim, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons, on penal reform proposals and the organisations which have criticised them. He says the changes cannot be made quickly, and that critics (who...
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