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Interview with Westminster Hospital’s District Administrator Patrick McMahon on whether NUPE’s Jamie Morris should be sacked because of his union work. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with Albert Spanswick, COHSE, on a meeting with the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) over the health workers pay dispute. Female interviewer not identified.
Interview with health minister Kenneth Clarke about his investigations into the effect on health services of the NHS strike. Male interviewer not identified.
Carol Thatcher interviews Social Services Secretary Norman Fowler about NHS nurses pay and about the current health service strike.
Interview with Gwyneth Dunwoody, shadow health minister, on the dilemma facing health workers during the current pay dispute over taking action, how the dispute should be solved. Male interviewer not...
Interview with Albert Spanswick, COHSE, on the backing from the TUC for the Day of Action on 22/09/82 in support of striking NHS workers. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with Albert Spanswick, COHSE, on the backing for striking NHS workers through the TUC Day of Action on 22/09/82. Male interviewer not identified.
Peter Allen interviews Gwyneth Dunwoody, Labour shadow health minister, on the health workers’ pay dispute, and on the Conservative Government’s response to the dispute. And on her call for a meeting...
Interview with NUR General Secretary Sid Weighell about a four percent pay offer to railway workers following the recommendations of the Lord McCarthy rail labour tribunal. He also speaks about possible...
Interview with SDP leader Roy Jenkins about his party’s proposals for trade union reform and comments on current health workers’ wages dispute. Female interviewer not identified.
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