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Interview with Environment Secretary Anthony Crosland by George Gale. Looks at his socialist thinking and his books on socialism, his political work, views on the education system, land ownership, public...
Reginald Prentice describes the Teachers Blacklist, a list of people unfit to remain or become employed as a teacher. The reasons for being on the list is explained, and the possibility of a left wing issue...
Bob Holness interviews Conservative MP and former headmaster Dr Rhodes Boyson on the publication of a new so-called black paper on education standards. He speaks about the decline in standards of schools;...
Report on the end of a strike by teachers at the William Tyndale Primary School in Islington, north London, following criticism and threats after a damning ILEA report into educational standards. Includes...
Rhodes Boyson MP on the problem of truancy. The ILEA has reported an increase this (last?) year. Boyson attributes the disaffection of older students partly to the raising of the school leaving age; these...
Peter Murphy interviews American writer Alvin Toffler, about ecospasms - simultaneously-occurring crises that will bring about (or signal?) the transition from an industrial society to a new civilisation. We...
Hayes on Sunday. Margaret Thatcher, Leader of the Opposition, talking to Brian Hayes and answering questions put by callers. Before the phone-in, Hayes poses a question about Northern Ireland, but...
Interview with Sheikh Abdullah Ali Raza(?) about the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Britain, covering education and what Britain can offer.
Brian Hayes interviews Dr Magnus Pyke, British Association for the Advancement of Science, about attempts to popularise science and his book Butter Side Up; includes calls by public via phone-in, news...
Prime Minister James Callaghan makes a speech at Ruskin College, Oxford, on education. He says too few students enter industry; too many girls abandon science; industry also has its own shortcomings in the...
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