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George Skelton, president of Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) on bankrupt Court Line British holiday charter airline and response of Tony Benn MP to the ABTA report. Interviewer not identified...
The Reverend Raymond Lee on his church being made bankrupt by VAT. He talks about VAT, how he feels lied to, how long it took for the appeal, and how the church community may raise the funds. Male...
Tim Grundy presents documentary The Ticking of the Clock, looking at the history of car manufacturer Rolls-Royce as it celebrates its 75th anniversary. From the first car they made, American enthusiasts, the...
Interview with Chief Executive of Meriden Motorcycles cooperative, Geoffrey Robinson, about his meeting with creditors over the prospect of liquidation of the company. He hopes the Government will offer a...
Interview with wartime intelligence expert, Professor Reginald Jones, who says that industrial action could lead Britain to economic ruin. Male interviewer not identified.
Parliamentary speech by former Chancellor Denis Healey where he criticises the Government’s economic policy, giving details of business closures and unemployment. The speech follows his decision to enter...
Monty at Large, presented by Monty Modlyn. This episode focuses on the fashion industry in London, which is under threat because of the recession and inflation. Includes interviews with the founder of...
Chris Martin presents this After Eight special investigating the financial crisis facing soccer teams in Britain. Begins with a clip of comedian Jasper Carrott performing. Speaks to Aston Villa manager, Ron...
Former company liquidator, Barry Calvert, denies the accusation that he stole redundancy money. Male interviewer not identified.
Report on the missing Sheffield liquidator, Barry Calvert, after compensation cheques to redundant workers were not honoured. Labour MP Alf Morris comments. Male reporter and male interviewer not identified.
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