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The feminist magazine, Spare Rib was launched in Britain in June 1972. Ruth Wallgrove of the magazine discusses an article printed in the Evening News which protested against lesbian couples having babies...
Interview with Labour MP Leo Abse on the possible ethical complications associated with the growth of test-tube babies, including the fears over social and genetic engineering. Male interviewer not identified.
Unidentified female speaker (from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service?) on artificial insemination and the procedures for acceptance onto the programme. She says that each case is evaluated on its merits...
Dr Derek Fletcher talks about the dangers of artificial insemination for lesbian couples. He talks about the ethical issues involved, as well as the medical issues.
Dr Patrick Steptoe on how a lack of funds has affected his research on in-vitro fertilization and test-tube babies.
Report on the birth of twins after fertility treatment to the wife of a Coventry teacher at Bradford Royal Infirmary (16/08/82). Includes interview with mother Suti Duncan (Satwinder Duncan) and father...
Thames TV documentary about the development of in vitro fertilization (IVF), entitled, The Test Tube Explosion. Includes interview with parents Maria and David Curtis; unidentified female guests (for whom...
Interview with Trevor Hassall, the father of test tube triplets, just after their birth. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with Dame Mary Warnock of the Warnock committee, who gives her opinion on surrogate mothers and the legal and moral issues. Male interviewer not identified.
Interview with the American organiser and surrogacy lawyer, on an international surrogacy show in London and the surrogacy process and money involved. Male speaker and interviewer not identified.
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