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George Skelton, president of Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) on bankrupt Court Line British holiday charter airline and response of Tony Benn MP to the ABTA report. Interviewer not identified...
Graham Lancaster of the Travel Association ABTA explains the no-refunds policy for holidaymakers disrupted by the French air traffic control dispute. Interviewer not identified.
(Adele Biss of ABTA?) says anyone travelling from Birmingham to Malta should get a vaccination against smallpox following an outbreak of the disease from a Birmingham laboratory and Malta now asking for...
Report on the objections raised by the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) to Freddie Laker opening a new travel company after the failure of Laker Airways. Freddie Laker comments on money for...
Carol Thatcher presents Nightline programme with President of ABTA Ivor Elms giving holiday advice. Listeners telephone the programme to comment. Film producer David Puttnam then talks about the British film...
Report on the debts which have crippled the UK’s largest leisure and theatre booking agency, Keith Prowse. With comment from Official Receiver, Malcolm Shearson and Keith Betton of ABTA. Female reporter...
Report on the death of 36 year-old Scottish schoolteacher Adrian Strasser, who was bludgeoned to death for his camcorder while holidaying in New Orleans, USA. Speakers: Strasser’s pregnant girlfriend,...
Four months before the Channel Tunnel (Eurostar) is due to open and bookings are already flooding in. Commercial director Christopher Garnett and Keith Petten(?) from ABTA comment. Also reports from...
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