Viewfinder Reviews - page 3
La signora di tutti
Danielle Hipkins reviews a lost classic by director Max Ophuls.
The Lost World of Friese-Greene
We look back at one of the pioneers of British cinema.
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey
Dr Simon Goodwin enthuses about this new 13-part series now available in High Def.
Alain Robbe-Grillet: Six Films 1963-1974
We examine a DVD collection from avant-garde master, Alain Robbe-Grillet.
Red Shift
The 1978 TV play by Alan Garner arrives on DVD
The Armstrong Lie
We review Alex Gibney’s film on the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong.
The Big Melt
We review Martin Wallace and Jarvis Cocker’s documentary about Sheffield, an ‘evocative example of contemporary poetic realism’
Rome, Open City
We review a classic of Italian neo-realist cinema.
The Caesars
Dr Marco Angelini looks at The Caesars (1968) and other examples of depictions of Roman History on screen.
Battle of the Somme
Dr Nicholas Hiley reviews a now hard-to-find DVD presentation of a classic First World War documentary.