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It is estimated that 32 million school children consume up to 50% of their calories at school, contributing to the obesity epidemic among young people. This film takes a look at Tony Geraci’s sweeping,...
Secretary of State for Education, Shirley Williams, discusses the subject of school meals. The number of free school meals will increase, if people who are eligible decide to claim. Female interviewer not...
Instead of Profile this week a second chance to hear our 210 Reports Extra programme on School meals in Berkshire. In the programme Kate Butler is joined by a team of experts who will be discussing what type...
Interview with a male union speaker (not identified - poss. Rodney Bickerstaffe, NUPE) at a demonstration in Merton following the decision of the Conservative-controlled borough council to abolish school...
Interview with Fred Jarvis, NUT, on a dispute over pay and sanctions their members are holding threatening school meals and extra-curricular activities. Possibilities of a better wage offer and settlement....
Education Secretary Mark Carlisle on the Conservative Government’s plans for education. Talks about the removal of statutory provision of school meals and free transport, and the planned Assisted Places...
Report on a speech by education minister Mark Carlisle on proposed education budget cuts which will allow savings to be made at local level on items such as school meals, and on Government plans to provide...
Interview with Professor John Pattison from the UK Government’s advisory committee on Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (so-called Mad Cow disease or BSE). He says the removal of beef from school meals is...
Interview with NUPE-sponsored Labour MP Reg Race on the campaign against school meal cuts.
Interview on government cuts to local authorities, how they might be applied including scrapping school dinners and charging for planning applications and industrial action against the cuts. Male speaker and...
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