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Chronicle of a Summer (1960). 2013. GB. DVD + Blu-ray (dual format release). 90 minutes (+ 130 minutes extras). BFI Video. £19.99 About the Reviewer: Dr Stephen Forcer is Lecturer in French Studies at...
Invitation to join the Women’s Film and Television History Network The Women’s Film and Television History Network is a group of researchers, teachers, archivists, collections managers, students,...
JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments, was established in October 2006 as the first online journal devoted to video-publication of biological and biomedical research with the aim of improving the...
Across time and space: delivering and accessing education online Friday 28 November 2014 #BUFVCAGM14 Take a look at the full programme for our AGM event in November. Find out more about the event...
In the light of the acceptance by government of the recommendations made by the Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property, what are the potential benefits to education? Emily Goodhand considers this in...
Here are 5 more BUFVC Moving Image Gateway entries that we entered or edited in the last week. 22frames.com A site that searches the web, indexing and linking to videos that are captioned or subtitled....
This week updates to websites in the fields of biological research, multimedia training, chemistry and experimental/art films. SpectraSchool A site entirely devoted to spectroscopy, produced in close...
Making your own films to a professional standard is getting quicker, easier and cheaper. Andrew Steele and Tom Fuller describe their experiences producing their series of short, sharp science videos....
Paul Wilson, curator of radio at the British Library, provides a tour of the national radio archive and explains its ambitions for the radio archive of the future. About the author: Paul Wilson has worked...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,250 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or...