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Roundabout (1962-1974) was a monthly Technicolor series designed to promote Britain as a progressive world leader to south and south-east Asia. Produced by the British government through its Central Office...
Gina Marchetti, Aaron Han Joon Magnan-Park and Stacilee Ford, from the University of Hong Kong, explain the thinking behind their bold new MOOC, Hong Kong Cinema Through a Global Lens. Most MOOCs originate...
The Enlightening Science Project was established to create an educational resource to inform and engage users on the core concepts behind Isaac Newton's scientific achievement. Professor Rob Iliffe provides...
Linda Kaye provides a guided tour of Roundabout (http://bufvc.ac.uk/roundabout), the Technicolor cinemagazine that in the 1960s and 70s helped the government promote Britain as a progressive world leader to...
Earth in Vision is an AHRC funded project based in the Open University Geography Department, and runs from October 2013-September 2016. Joe Smith, Kim Hammond and George Revill from The Open University...