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What is Copyright? Copyright is a monopoly property right that, in the UK, automatically protects an original work (as soon as it is created) from unlicensed copying, re-use and dissemination to the...
On Monday 2 July 2012 the Government issued a Policy Statement on its Consultation on Modernising Copyright. It can be accessed online here: www.ipo.gov.uk/types/hargreaves.htm Murray Weston, senior...
In October the latest batch of revisions to British Copyright law flowing from the Hargreaves review finally came into effect. Jason Miles-Campbell, formerly Jisc Legal Manager, looks ahead and asks,...
Archival Film Workshop - Whose Film Is It Anyway? Thursday 23 June 2011, 10:00 - 16:45 British Library, BLCC Foyle Learning Centre, London. Booking required, £12 / £15 (lunch included) The...
Below you can find the presentations from Audiovisual in Education with synced audio. You can also download the PDFs of each presentation, using the links below. Dr Chris Willmott, University of...
Alliance for Intellectual Property http://www.allianceforip.co.uk Established in 1998, the Alliance for Intellectual Property (IP) represents trade associations across the creative, branded and design...
Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-line Edited by Dina Iordanova and Stuart Cunningham (St Andrews Film Studies), 223 pages ISBN: 978-0956373090 (hardback), £35 ISBN: 978-0956373076 (paperback),...
How important are Intellectual Property rights in education and how relevant is the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (CDPA) to staff and students in the UK? About the author: Jason Miles-Campbell is...
Here are another 5 of our favourite BUFVC Moving Image Gateway entries that we entered or edited in the last week, with a particular focus on human rights and intellectual property rights. BBC COLLEGE OF...