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The Sounds of the Silents in Britain, edited by Julie Brown and Annette Davison. (Oxford University Press, 2013). 352 pages. ISBN: 978-0199797615 (hardback), £65; ISBN: 978-0199797547 (paperback), £22.50....
Roundabout (1962-1974) was a monthly Technicolor series designed to promote Britain as a progressive world leader to south and south-east Asia. Produced by the British government through its Central Office...
A new resource aims to encourage and build an understanding and appreciation of moving images, in all forms, for those in full-time education. Its co-founder, Ian Wall, fills in the blanks. Putting film...
Halliwell’s Horizon: Leslie Halliwell and His Film Guides, by Michael Binder (Lulu Press, July 2011), 302 pages. ISBN: 978-1447742050 (hardback) £18.99; ISBN: 978-1447748212 (paperback) £8.99; Kindle...
Makers | Our Story is a new documentary about the film business. The production team describes what motivated them and provide insight for those inspired to follow in their footsteps. ...
Below you can find answers to most questions about using TRILT and the Off-Air Back-Up Recording Service. If you can't find what you are looking for please don't hesitate to contact us. ...
[caption id="attachment_452" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Picture by Queenie and the Dew"][/caption] With Channel 4’s recent announcement that an additional £1m will be invested in the...
Dr Alex Southern, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, reflects on a post-war government ‘experiment’ in visual education, and its relevance to today’s moving image media literacy agenda. About...
Until the 1990s, the majority of British TV was shot on video in the studio, with film used only for exterior sequences. What impact did physical space have on both changing modes of production and...
Learning on Screen’s Schools Membership and Support Officer Lincia Daniel explores how teachers are taking advantage of a range of digital resources to make learning fun and effective. The film Wall...