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Location of a high speed show where some of the fastest cars in the world were on view to the public, at the Auto-Speed ‘68 racing car exhibition.
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Auto Rally. DESCRIPTION: The Bandana Auto Rally in French West Africa, won by Germans Edgar Herrman and Hans Schuler, provides the adventure Europe lacks. SHOTLIST: LV car No 6 racing...
Cobweb Pictures, Boy Bowler, Auto Rail Car, First Night.
World’s smallest two-seater car startles Berlin.
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Auto Show Opened in Turin. DESCRIPTION: The International Motor Show in Turin, was opened by the Italian President, Signor Gronchi who toured the exhibition, where thirteen countries...
Mr Mercier, the inventor, demonstrates his "can’t crash" car.
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Auto Race Accident. DESCRIPTION: Motor racing, on the Avus circuit, in Berlin. The Grand Prix event for 1 1/2 litre sport cars. Then crashing over the rim of the circuit, and bursting...
NoS synopsis: "About the world’s youngest regular auto driver - and a 1 H.P. car, too." C/U of a miniature car with a little girl sitting in the driving seat. She climbs out and lifts up the bonnet. C/U of...
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