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Stephen Engelhard is the founder of Angel Productions, and produces and directs its videos for universities. He explains how The PhD Survival Video was produced. About the author: Stephen Engelhard has a...
This page includes a number of articles on newsreel and cinemagazine history. A number of historical articles appear in the BUFVC publication, Yesterday's News: The British Cinema Newsreel Reader (November...
The Encyclopedia of British Film edited by Brian McFarlane (Methuen in association with the British Film Institute, 2003), 774 pages, ISBN: 978-0413773012 (paperback) N.B. This review originally appeared in...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,300 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or...
Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio by Daniel Gilfillan (University of Minnesota Press, 2009., 240 pages. £18.50 About the Reviewer: Eve-Marie Oesterlen is the EUscreen Project manager for BUFVC....
Findanyfilm.com FindAnyFilm.com is an impressive website for anyone wanting to discover whether a particular film is currently available to watch, buy, download or rent in the UK in any format. The free...
To celebrate the publication of the 100th issue of Viewfinder, the BUFVC’s quarterly print publication, Olwen Terris, the BUFVC’s Information Officer, takes a look at the long history of the publication....
Since 1948 the BUFVC has always retained the vision, ‘to make moving image and sound as important in education and research as the written word’. In 2016, as both those inside and outside UK education...
Double-Act: The Remarkable Lives and Careers of Googie Withers and John McCallum by Brian McFarlane (Monash University, May 2015), 288 pages, ISBN: 978-1922235725 (paperback), £31 About the Reviewer:...
As part of the British Library’s commitment to delivering a multimedia research environment, they are exploring the potential of speech-to-text technologies for finding non-textual content. Luke...