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Halliwell’s Horizon: Leslie Halliwell and His Film Guides, by Michael Binder (Lulu Press, July 2011), 302 pages. ISBN: 978-1447742050 (hardback) £18.99; ISBN: 978-1447748212 (paperback) £8.99; Kindle...
Frazer Ash, Digital Transfer Manager for Learning on Screen, reports on our off-air digitisation project and the valuable archive television content that will be made available in BoB. With over 1 million...
Dr Lez Cooke provides an introduction to anew project on the history of forgotten television drama in the UK. About the author: Dr Cooke has been researching and writing about television drama since 2000...
To celebrate the publication of the 100th issue of Viewfinder, the BUFVC’s quarterly print publication, Olwen Terris, the BUFVC’s Information Officer, takes a look at the long history of the publication....
The University of York has published a cross-disciplinary multimedia website detailing its staging of John Marston’s rarely-produced comedy The Dutch Courtesan. Michael Cordner looks at its realisation on...
The Adventure of the Real – Jean Rouch and the craft of Ethnographic Cinema, by Paul Henley (University of Chicago Press, 2010), 533 pages, ISBN: 978-0226327150 (paperback), £24; Kindle, price £19.38;...
Sites with a serve video or audio content online. The Alger Hiss Story Alger Hiss was a US State Department official convicted in 1950 of perjury following accusations by Whittaker Chambers that he...
The Kinonedelja - Online Edition in the Austrian Film Museum brings together the earliest work of Russian film director and theoretician Dziga Vertov. We provide a guide to the Museum’s Vertov collection,...
Coverage of TV in the Press [caption id="attachment_13210" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="Radio Times' 'Television' cover, 23 October 1936"][/caption] In an age of Web listings, free...
Why are stars often called ‘gods’ or ‘goddesses’? How was antiquity used to boost the image of the developing film industry and its stars? What does this historical association tell us about...