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A 12,000 lb bomb on a bomb carrier en route to its plane. This bomb was thought to be, only a short while ago, one of the biggest, but it is only half the size of the new 22,000 pounder Ten Ton Tess....
Collector’s record bid of £22,000 secures historic five hundred year-old Gutenberg Bible, first book to be printed in movable type.
Ted Evans, 22 years old is 7 feet 5 inches. Stunt interview at gymnasium shows giant in training for sporting career. (Exclusive)
New car Sir? Pathe preview of the new 22 hp Ford Pilot.
German planes attack convoy. [46 ft] Wreckage of Nazi bomber. [22 ft]
Her Majesty reviews 22,000 [sic].
A 22-year-old Liverpool girl - Dorothy Joliffe - is chosen Britain’s Queen of the Ballroom in a contest sponsored by "The People"
22,000 ton liner President Hoover runs aground on barren reef. Dramatic rescue scenes of passengers who later complained of crew’s conduct.
Man Mountain McNabb at 22 stone v Max Stehr, a mere 14 stone seven in a boxing match which ends in a wild melee involving police, seconds, boxers and spectators.
22 teams compete in the finals of the Trailer Pump Competition, the winning team being the Edgware Road Fire Station in 1 minute 18 seconds.
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