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Report on the claims by convicted murderer Ronald Waldron, who also burned down a Jewish synagogue in Toxteth in 1979, that he was a political hit man for Arab terrorists. Includes interviews with...
Dave Loyn looks back at views on the Scarman inquiry into riots in Brixton, South London and Toxteth in Liverpool in 1981, now its report has been published. Includes archive interviews with Lord Scarman...
Excerpts from a press conference by Lord Scarman (Leslie Scarman) following publication of his report into riots in Brixton, South London and Toxteth in Liverpool in 1981. On criticism of the Special Patrol...
Report on a House of Commons debate following the publication of the Scarman Report into the causes of riots in Brixton, South London and Toxteth in Liverpool in 1981, with inner city deprivation a concern....
Dave Loyn reports on reaction to the findings of the Scarman Report into the causes of the riots in Brixton in South London and Toxteth in Liverpool in 1981. Includes interview with Brixton resident during...
Report on a House of Commons debate following publication of the Scarman Report into riots in Brixton, South London and Toxteth in Liverpool in 1981 where many of the findings where endorsed and calls made...
Excerpt from an interview with a Rastafarian on recent riots and their causes. Interviewer not heard.
Environment Secretary, Michael Heseltine on the problem of youth hooliganism. Male interviewer not identified.
Excerpt from speech by Enoch Powell MP in the House of Commons about immigrant populations in England. In context of the recent riots.
Speech by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on rioting and violence breaking out across the country. In three sections.
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