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[SUBTITLE]: "Tommy, always a sportsman, having finished a Hun drive in the ruins of Cambrai, enjoys a ‘drive’ of another character in a derelict German motor-car."
[SUBTITLE]: "The limber wagons are filled up and the teams drive off to the field batteries." Lines of soldiers passing shells from lorries to limbers. Limbers drive off.
Rootes Group perfect devices by which disabled men can drive again.
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: K&Q Drive to Church at Eastbourne. SHOTLIST: The Royal Car leaves drive and arrives at St Mary’s the Parish Church. They are greeted by the Vicar. Shots of the church in general. The...
Lord Tedder takes salute at Ealing drive-past, part of National Recruiting Campaign.
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Picture Paragraphs Drive on Bandits. SHOTLIST: Shot of the bandits surrendering arms and being searched.
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: How Not to Drive. SHOTLIST: Shots of cars on the roads and drivers doing foolish things to cause accidents. One car overturns. Another goes over bridge.
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