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Taryn Storey looks behind the scenes of a digital collaboration between the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) and Ravensbourne College. About the Author: Dr Taryn Storey was appointed Higher Education...
The British Board of Film Classification celebrates its centenary this year. But what can the organisation learn from the past, and how does history inform its current business and commitment to education...
The BUFVC Moving Image Gateway includes over 1,400 websites relating to video, multimedia and sound materials. These have been subdivided into over 40 subject areas. To suggest new entries or ...
Studying Experimental Film and Video William Fowler, Curator of Artists’ Moving Image for the BFI, looks at some of the wide variety of resources available to those studying the moving image work of...
As the amount of digital material generated by universities increases every year, what can be done to preserve them for the future? Linda Ligios and Karen Colbron, King's College London, are looking for...
Community Filmmaking and Cultural Diversity: Practice, Innovation and Policy. Sarita Malik, with Caroline Chapain and Roberta Comunian, discusses an AHRC funded project that has opened up a range of...
Learning on Screen’s Schools Membership and Support Officer Lincia Daniel explores how teachers are taking advantage of a range of digital resources to make learning fun and effective. The film Wall...
Sites with a serve video or audio content online. The Alger Hiss Story Alger Hiss was a US State Department official convicted in 1950 of perjury following accusations by Whittaker Chambers that he...
What role does European film and television drama play in constructing our sense of European identity? The Mediating Cultural Encounters through European Screens (MeCETES) project seeks to find out, as...
As part of the British Library’s commitment to delivering a multimedia research environment, they are exploring the potential of speech-to-text technologies for finding non-textual content. Luke...