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For the last time this year, we present highlights from BUFVC Moving Image Gateway entries that we created or edited during the last week. Arab Media Watch This UK-based organisation represents the view...
Shakespeare live from Shepherd’s Bush,and from Stratford-upon-Avon About the author: John Wyver is a writer and producer with Illuminations (www.illuminationsmedia.co.uk/), Senior Research Fellow at...
How embedded has the version of history as presented on television become in the public consciousness? Ann Gray and Erin Bell from the University of Lincoln ran a project that sought to answer that question...
Coverage of TV in the Press [caption id="attachment_13210" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="Radio Times' 'Television' cover, 23 October 1936"][/caption] In an age of Web listings, free...
Although the idea of film funding wasn't directly discussed in the Annan Report which led to the creation of Channel 4, it was a passion of the Channel’s first Chief Executive, Jeremy Isaacs. In Europe...