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Michael Darlow is a television director, writer and producer, who has also worked in theatre and film. He writes about television, theatre and film and also about rare breed Soay sheep. We interviewed...
[caption id="attachment_435" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Spirit of Marc Karlin Exhibition Flyer"][/caption] Last month (on the weekend of the 13th-15th April) I attended a fascinating conference...
The British Universities Film & Video Council were pleased to receive the following entries to the Learning on Screen Awards 2014: 50 years of the National Theatre National Theatre 9:47...
Explore the history of women in British film and television production with our interactive timeline. [timeline_multiple title="ACT/T Timeline"] 1927 Cinematograph Films Act The Cinematograph Films Act...
This is an ‘interim report’ by Dr Sheldon Hall, Sheffield Hallam University, on his long-term project on the history of the showing of feature films on British television, covering virtually the entire...