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  1. Sport and Exercise Nutrition - Where Are we Now? Where Are we Going? (2010)

    Medical sciences; Sports science

    Recording of a lecture given by Professor Ron Maughan, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, at the Royal Society of Medicine on 24 June 2010. In it he discusses the current...

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  2. Rsa Animate: The Divided Brain (2011)

    Psychiatry; Psychology

    Short animation summarising a lecture given by psychiatrist and writer Iain McGilchrist as part of the RSA’s public events programme in which he explains how our ‘divided brain’ has profoundly altered...

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  3. Solutions: A-Level Biology (1995 Video)

    Gerard Brinsley Sheridan; L J Simon Taylor
    Gerard Brinsley Sheridan
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 100 min., 1998 sale: £39.95 (+p&p)

    A revision aid for A-level biology, looking first at key principles of effective revision, then covering a range of topics including cell structure, DNA, active and passive transport, enzymes, cell division,...

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  4. Plant Biology: Core Concepts Video Clip Library (2012)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 87 minutes), £96.00

    Making plentiful use of animation, this comprehensive video clip library of 32 two-to-three-minute segments illustrates key concepts in plant biology. Useful as a teaching tool or student research resource....

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  5. World of Tomorrow: The 1939 New York World’s Fair Vol 3 (2006)

    History; Technology
    Sale, DVD (Region 0)

    THE MEDICUS COLLECTION: REEL 4 PART 2, REEL 5 AND REEL 6 (1939, COLOR, SILENT, 2:32:18) Kodachrome amateur colour film that documents the many different sights to be seen at the fair (more included in THE...

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  6. 19th Century Craze for Steresoscopic Photograhy, The (2018)

    Film studies; History

    Stereoscopic photography rapidly became a worldwide craze after the Great Exhibition of 1851. Cheap viewers and mass-produced stereographs brought startlingly vivid images within reach of a mass audience,...

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  7. Medical Assisting Video Series (1993 Video)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 7 x 25 min., 1993 sale: £120 +VAT each title

    Core clinical medical material, with each demonstrating relevant skills and procedures.

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  8. Critical Social Work Practice (2009)

    Social welfare

    This series of 25 audio tracks looks at social work practice around the world and compares attitudes and management techniques within the social work field. Material is taken from The Open University Course...

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  9. Moving from Old to New: Energy Transmissions (2016)


    Chaitanya Kumar from Sussex University talks to Roger Fouquet from the Grantham Institute at the London School of Economics about how the transitions from one form of energy use to another have occurred,...

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  10. Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Art, Architecture and Design (1997 Multimedia)

    Jo James
    Architecture; Art; Design

    Multimedia documentary on the life and work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, containing material from every major Mackintosh collection, with over 540 pages and 700 images, two hours of narrative and new...

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21-30 of 134 results | Page 3 of 14
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