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Are these ‘glorious’ times for the British film industry? At a recent debate at Goldsmiths College on the 3rd of February 2011, four panellists lined up to discuss this motion. Producer Robert Jones...
Branding and Sponsorship within Britain’s Premier Horror Festival A Guest Blog by Simon Hobbs, PhD Research Student at the University of Portsmouth This year’s Film4 FrightFest marked my first...
Roundabout (1962-1974) was a monthly Technicolor series designed to promote Britain as a progressive world leader to south and south-east Asia. Produced by the British government through its Central Office...
NationalRural was established in 2004 as a Knowledge Exchange - a service provided by universities and colleges for rural businesses and organisations. The project was set up with funding from HEFCE as one...
Pantomime in Scotland: a celebration of Scottish pantomime on film 2010. GB. DVD. 165 minutes. University of Glasgow / Scottish Screen. Price: £18.95 (+ p&p). Available from:...
Dr. Peter Bell Executive Secretary, IUHFC, 1996-2009 The InterUniversity History Film Consortium (IUHFC) was founded four decades ago by two far-sighted historians at the University of Leeds, Nicholas...
Makers | Our Story is a new documentary about the film business. The production team describes what motivated them and provide insight for those inspired to follow in their footsteps. ...
The BUFVC provides a vital service to its 258 members, as well as a number of public resources. The BUFVC connects teachers, learners and researchers with moving image and sound content and its staff deal...
Until the 1990s, the majority of British TV was shot on video in the studio, with film used only for exterior sequences. What impact did physical space have on both changing modes of production and...
Take a look at the winners of the Learning on Screen awards 2015: Courseware and Curriculum In-house Production Award Life on Earth’s Cold Shoulder – Glacier ecosystems and climate change...