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  1. Electron Microscopy: Principles of Radiation Protection (1988 Video)

    aka: Electron Microscopy: The Radiation Safety Aspect

    Biology; Medical sciences
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 8 min.

    Explains the nature of the possible radiation hazard in electron microscopy and outlines the ways in which modern equipment is designed and made so that in normal use the worker is not exposed to radiation....

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  2. Radiation: Enough is Enough: Dose Minimisation in Diagnostic Radiology (1991 Video)

    Medical sciences
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 30 minutes), £25.00

    Aims to help minimise patient exposure to radiation in the course of diagnosis. Discusses public perception of proportionate dangers from ionizing radiation compared with the true figures; responsibility of...

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  3. Calrad (1995 Multimedia)

    aka: Radical Computer Assisted Learning Program

    Health & safety; Medical sciences

    Self-paced teaching materials intended to provide theoretical training about radiation safety required by UK legislation concerned with the Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Examination and Treatment...

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  4. Radiation Safety 2: The Role of the Rpa in Improving Radiography in Veterinary Practice (1993 Video)

    Health & safety; Veterinary science
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 28 min., 1997 sale: £38.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Demonstrates the radiographic facilities and working practices needed to fulfil the requirements of the ‘Ionising Radiation Regulations’, emphasises the role of the radiation protection adviser (RPA),...

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  5. I Think I Need to Use an Isotope (1975 Film, Video)

    Jacolyn Corder; Judith Leathard; Tony Makepeace
    Film (16mm)

    A university research student in biochemistry is introduced to the handling unsealed radioactive material in her research by her departmental radiation supervisor. The basic physics, safety, and handling are...

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  6. Protection from Ionising Radiation (5 Parts) (1985 Video)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 20, 20, 18, 22, 31 min.), £225.00

    A series of five programmes about safety measures as laid down by EEC directives, intended for all those whose everyday work brings them into contact with ionising radiation 1. The Scientific Background...

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  7. Safe Working Practice in the Radiochemical Laboratory (1985 Video)

    Colin Grimshaw
    Ruth Osborn
    Health & safety
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min., 1995 sale: £70.00 (inclusive)

    An introduction to good working practices for small and medium-scale users of radioactive materials. Points covered are: 1) forward planning and work/personnel registration; 2) radiation hazards and the...

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  8. Alara! (1990 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 30 min.

    Radiation protection in dental practice. Illustrates the historical use of dental x-rays, highlights the hazards of usage and safety in relation to EC regulations, discusses safety for the consumer, and...

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  9. Mobile Telephony and Health (2001)

    Engineering; Health Education
    Sale, VHS (30 minutes), £6.00

    Provides a review of the current state of knowledge about possible health effects of mobile phone handsets, and the associated transmission masts. Includes interviews with leading scientists in the field and...

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  10. Physics of Diagnostic Imaging 2.0 (1997)

    Veterinary science
    Sale, CD-ROM (PC Version), £24.00

    Deals with the physics underlying the production of diagnostic quality radiographs, with short modules on ultrasonography, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear medicine. Also looks at...

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