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Government response to consultation on copyright exceptions Modernising Copyright: A modern, robust and flexible framework Many BUFVC members and associates will be aware that the Government has been...
Suppliers and Finance (including subcontractors and individuals associated with our suppliers and subcontractors) Collection of personal data We collect and process personal data about our suppliers...
What is Copyright? Copyright is a monopoly property right that, in the UK, automatically protects an original work (as soon as it is created) from unlicensed copying, re-use and dissemination to the...
In October the latest batch of revisions to British Copyright law flowing from the Hargreaves review finally came into effect. Jason Miles-Campbell, formerly Jisc Legal Manager, looks ahead and asks,...
As Channel 4 draws the curtain on the eleven-year success of the Big Brother franchise, it continues to reap the rewards of being the producer of some of the most popular shows on television, including...
Coverage of TV in the Press [caption id="attachment_13210" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="Radio Times' 'Television' cover, 23 October 1936"][/caption] In an age of Web listings, free...