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  1. Airline rep on plane grounding and whether it will sue (1979)


    Unidentified British male representative of an airline operating DC-10-30 aircraft on whether it would consider legal action against the FAA for the grounding of their aircraft. The aeroplane’s safety was...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. Pat Jones - fight against closure of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital (1978)


    Pat Jones from the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (EGA) Hospital defends the right to fight to keep the hospital open, and describes the community it serves, and the services it offers to patients. Female...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Lord Denning discusses career on his 81st birthday (1980)


    Interview with Master of the Rolls, Lord Denning (Tom Denning), on his 81st birthday, where he talks about some of the cases he has judged during his legal career. Male interviewer not identified (poss....

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Ombudsman’s yearly report (1982)


    Bob Holness interviews Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (ombudsman) Sir Cecil Clothier, following publication of his annual civil service report for 1981. He talks about the nature of the...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  5. Dartmoor prison escapes (1994)


    Prison Governor of Dartmoor Prison John Powells says the escape of three dangerous prisoners yesterday will not affect Home Secretary Michael Howard’s visit. He says it would have been just as embarrassing...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  6. Edward Heath on EEC problems (1981)


    Former Prime Minister, Edward Heath on problems that have come about in the European Economic Community (EEC) since he led the UK to join. Male interviewer not identified.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  7. British airline efforts to bring planes back into operation (1979)


    Unidentified British male representative of an airline operating DC-10 aircraft on its efforts with other European airlines to bring the planes back into operation following tha fatal crash in Chicago. Male...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Barbara Castle on single meeting place for European Parliament (1981)


    Leader of the Labour Euro MPs, Barbara Castle talks to Rodney Bennett about the need for a single meeting place for the European Parliament.

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Attempted breakout at Wandsworth Prison (1990)

    News report; Interview

    Graham Majin reports on an attempted breakout at Wandsworth Prison in which a mechanical digger was used. Terry McLaren, Branch Secretary of the Prison Officers Association and Wandsworth Prison Governor...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Al Fayed House of Fraser takeover (1990)


    Des Fahy? interviews shadow trade and industry spokesperson, Mo Mowlam on the government decision not to act on the Department of Trade report which claims Mohamed Al Fayed and brothers lied during their...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
81-90 of 245 results | Page 9 of 25
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