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531-540 of 569 results | Page 54 of 57
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  1. Between the Towers

    Date released
    12 May 1969
    Series name
    British Movietone News
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    1 / 1

    MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Between the Towers. DESCRIPTION: It was probably one of the most inspired events ever devised - the Daily Mail Transatlantic Air Race between London’s Post Office Tower and the Empire...

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Online Online Moving image Moving image
  2. Fall of a Protector, The (1960 Television)

    Age of Kings, An
    Michael Hayes
    Peter Dews

    Tenth episode in a fifteen-part televised series comprising Shakespeare’s history plays from Richard II to Richard III (the two tetralogies), effectively presenting a chronological history of British...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  3. Road to Shrewsbury, The (1960 Television)

    Age of Kings, An
    Michael Hayes
    Peter Dews

    Fourth episode in a fifteen-part televised series comprising Shakespeare’s history plays from Richard II to Richard III (the two tetralogies), effectively presenting a chronological history of British...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  4. Morning’s War, The (1960 Television)

    Age of Kings, An
    Michael Hayes
    Peter Dews

    Episode twelve in a fifteen-part televised series comprising Shakespeare’s history plays from Richard II to Richard III (the two tetralogies), effectively presenting a chronological history of British...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  5. Meet Your Brain (3 Parts) (2012)

    Biology; Psychology

    In the 2011 series of Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, experimental psychologist Professor Bruce Hood delivers three, 60-minute lectures on the human brain. In the last few years, science has started to...

    DVD Find DVD Find Other Other Online Online
  6. Future School (10 Parts)

    Architecture; Design; Education

    10 programmes following the progress of all aspects of the development of Hadley Learning Community, a new PFI scheme state-of-the-art extended school, from design of the building, to its opening.

    DVD Find DVD Find Other Other Online Online
  7. Advertisement No.325 - nd [May 1986]

    Track 1- Gloria’s Microwave x2 [with Bank Holiday tag];[2:02 mins]. Track 2- Phoenix Brewery/Rose in June Fun Run [0:32 sec]. Track 3- Pooles [0:37 sec]. Track 4- Allders [0:46 sec]. Track 5- Lynams...

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Ocean Sound This Week No.76: Programme 76 of a weekly news and sports review (1988)

    OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 76 Programme 76 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 10 April 1988. Presented by PETE WARDMAN....

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Ocean Sound This Week No.53: Programme 53 of a weekly news and sports review (1987)

    OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 53 Programme 53 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 25 October 1987. Presented by MATT HOPPER....

    ILR South ILR South Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Band of Brothers, The (1960 Television)

    Age of Kings, An
    Michael Hayes
    Peter Dews

    Eighth episode in a fifteen-part televised series comprising Shakespeare’s history plays from Richard II to Richard III (the two tetralogies), effectively presenting a chronological history of British...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
531-540 of 569 results | Page 54 of 57
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