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  1. Careers for Women - Making a Choice (1982 Video)

    Out of Distribution, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 30 min.

    Interviews with ten women who work in jobs rarely occupied by women (e.g. nuclear engineering) or who hold positions of responsibility which are not often entrusted to female employees (e.g. assistant bank...

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  2. G-Men of the Sea

    Date released
    Series name
    The March of Time 4th Year
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    2 / 2

    BFI synopsis: Activities of the US Coast Guards and secret goings on of the Intelligence Division.

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Record only Record only
  3. Gastrointestinal Surgery in the Dog (1982 Audio)

    Veterinary science
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Audiocassette.

    An unedited recording of papers given at the BVA Congress, Reading, 1982.

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  4. Astacus (Film)

    Film (16mm)

    Depicts the structure and mode of functioning of the crayfish. External structure illustrated showing the regions of the body and the various appendages. This leads to a consideration of the respiratory and...

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  5. Interaction with Hexabarbitone (1970 Video)

    Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 21 min.

    The modification of the response to a standard IV dose of hexobarbitone in the mouse is assessed when ethanol, amphetamine, chlorpromazine, phenobarbitone or bemegride are also used.

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  6. Life History of the Frog, The (1935 Film)

    Film (16mm)

    Describes the embryology of the frog. The processes of coition, fertilisation, cleavage, gastrulation, neurulation and subsequent development are illustrated in turn, by means of micro-photography,...

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  7. Routes of Drug Administration (1970 Video)

    Medical sciences
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 29 min.

    Simple experimental demonstration of how the route of administration of a drug may determine the time of onset and duration of action of that agent. Hexobarbitone is administered to mice and the loss of...

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  8. English Pageants (1939 Radio)

    Laurence Gilliam

    Radio programme featuring pageants ‘In Praise of Chivalry’ - ‘In Praise of the Countryside’ - ‘In Praise of Liberty’, arranged and produced from the works of Shakespeare, Milton, Cobbett, John...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Record only Record only
  9. Victor Hugo (1962 Film)

    G Gerber; Roger Leenhardt
    French studies
    Film (16mm)

    The life of the writer is retraced with the help of paintings and etchings of the period borrowed from the Musée Victor Hugo and the Cabinet des Estampes.

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  10. Violent Galaxies (1977 Video)

    Astronomy; Physics
    OUT OF DISTRIBUTION, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min.

    Deals with a range of physical processes applied to astronomy, e.g. polarization, synchrotron radiation, Cerenkov radiation.

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41-50 of 287 results | Page 5 of 29
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