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For the week ending 8 July 2011 the most requested titles from the BUFVC Off-Air Back-Up Service include such varied topics as dance, housing, young offender's institutions and the history of the NHS as well...
Classical TV [caption id="attachment_11970" align="alignright" width="175" caption="www.classicaltv.com"][/caption] A channel of ever-changing videos representing the best classical performances from...
Despite the exponential increase in the use of audiovisual material in teaching, learning and research in higher and further education, existing guidelines for the citation of moving image and sound are...
The BUFVC Learning on Screen Awards took place on Thursday 24 April - take a look at the winners The Learning on Screen Awards are the only UK awards celebrating and rewarding excellence in the use of...
The project’s research has involved three elements: a 30-year history of Film4 as a feature film producer, a survey of the breadth of Channel 4’s broadcast film content (including purchased film,...
We are inviting school teachers and Senior Leadership Teams to our free conference, Using AV to Support Whole School Improvement, a day focused on providing Senior Leadership Teams with fresh ideas to take...
2012. GB. DVD. 915 minutes. Network DVD. Certificate 15. Price: £50.40 About the Author: Martin Carter is a film lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University. He is a regular contributor to Vertigo magazine and...
2012. GB. BFI. DVD or Blu-ray. 585 minutes. £34.99 About the Reviewer: Paul Newland teaches in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, Aberystwyth University. His publication include:...
2012. GB. DVD + Blu-ray. Eureka (Masters of Cinema series). 288 minutes + extras. £19.99 About the author: Dr Paul Cuff is an Associate Fellow in the Department of Film and Television at the University of...
2010. GB. DVD and Blu-ray (region free). 167 minutes. Opus Arte. Price: £19.99 (DVD), £24.99 (Blu-ray). About the Author: Eve-Marie Oesterlen is the EU Screen Project Content Delivery Co-Ordinator at the...