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Hugh Robinson, Curriculum Quality Leader at Henley College Coventry, reflects on his experience of getting young students to engage critically with film history. Many years ago, I was a tyro lecturer in...
Following on from Ieuan Franklin's excellent blog which discussed such mind-bendingly psychedelic Films on Four as Born of Fire (Jamil Dehlavi, 1987), Shadey (Phillip Saville, 1987) and Silent Scream (David...
Channel Four had, the IBA noted, ‘from time to time transmitted important but often difficult films – generally from abroad – which have occasionally pressed very close to the absolute limits of...
At the end of 2007 the National Video Archive of Performance recorded its 200th stage production. Jill Evans, their Video Archive Producer, provides an overview of their activities. About the Author: Jill...
NationalRural was established in 2004 as a Knowledge Exchange - a service provided by universities and colleges for rural businesses and organisations. The project was set up with funding from HEFCE as one...
JS: Aside from your established track record in television, you’d done a stint as Head of the BFI Production Board in the late 1970s. Was film always a personal passion? What were your reasons for...