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A rare workshop on British newsreels exploring their use as a historical source. Visualising history: newsreels, digitisation and TV documentary AHRC-funded Workshop – Institute of Historical...
The monthly roundup of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research, & published here at the BUFVC by Linda Kaye. For those readers who enjoy CSI (and all...
The monthly roundup of film and television publications compiled by Simon Baker, Institute of Historical Research, & published here at the BUFVC by Linda Kaye. This issue opens with a rather morbid...
Each year, The Grierson Trust recognises the best documentary filmmaking from Britain and abroad through the British Documentary Awards. Established in 1972, the Grierson Awards are given to documentaries...
Viewfinder 88 was published in September 2012. Contents of this issue: BRITAIN IN CONVERSATION The Listening Project aims to capture ‘the nation in conversation to build a unique picture of our...
Some of the latest book and DVD reviews over at Viewfinder Online include: The Riddles of the Sphinx Dr Patti Gaal-Holmes reviews this new BFI release of the seminal avant-garde film by Laura Mulvey and...
University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 15th-17th May 2013 Keynote Speakers: Charlotte Brunsdon, Christine Geraghty, Kathleen Karlyn and Lynn Spigel At the culmination of the AHRC-funded project, A...
Shadows of Progress: Documentary Film in Post-War Britain 1951-1977. 2010. GB. DVD. British Film Institute. 851 minutes + extras (42minutes). £34.99 About the reviewer: Dr James Mansell is Assistant...
The latest issue (volume 6, issue 2) of Participations , the online journal of audience and reception studies, has an article by Louise Anderson which attempts to tackle the much neglected area of the...