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To mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street we present a selection of websites offering audiovisual resources relating to British protest movements, pressure groups, activists and campaigners,...
The winners of the 2014 Learning on Screen awards are as follows: Educational Multimedia Award 50 Years of the National Theatre National Theatre The 50 years of the National Theatre iPad app is a rich...
The Learning on Screen Awards celebrate and reward excellence in the use of moving image and related media in learning, teaching and research. Why should you enter? Enter the Awards to: showcase your...
Latin American Cinema by Stephen M. Hart (Reaktion Books, 2015), 215 pages, ISBN: 978-780233659 paperback), £18.95 About the Reviewer: Dr. Sarah Barrow is Head of the School of Film and Media at the...
The Learning on Screen Awards celebrate and reward excellence in the use of moving image and related media in learning, teaching and research. View a list of nominated entries for the 2012 Learning on...
This page includes a number of articles on newsreel and cinemagazine history. A number of historical articles appear in the BUFVC publication, Yesterday's News: The British Cinema Newsreel Reader (November...
Enter here Entry deadline: 5pm on Friday 11 January 2019. Nominations will be announced by the end of February 2019. Online Education Resource Award Any educational resource that is...
The InView resource is a collaboration between Jisc and the British Film Institute, delivering hundreds of hours of material from the BFI Film and TV Archives. Patrick Russell looks at the aims of the...
Messages from Poland: Using, losing and resurrecting 'A Different World' In 1987 Channel 4 broadcast the nine-part documentary series, The Struggles for Poland. One of its parts, A Different World, is now...
Edited by Louis Bayman (Intellect, 2011). 280 pages. ISBN 978-1841504001 (paperback), £15.95; ISBN 978-1841505350 (ebook), £6. About the Author: Sarah Forgacs is a Doctoral candidate in Film Studies at...