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Dr. Peter Bell Executive Secretary, IUHFC, 1996-2009 The InterUniversity History Film Consortium (IUHFC) was founded four decades ago by two far-sighted historians at the University of Leeds, Nicholas...
Tom Stoppard: Radio Plays. 2012. GB. CD. 332 minutes (5 disc set). British Library. ISBN: 978-0712351232. Price: £40.00 About the Author: Peter M. Lewis is Senior Lecturer in Community Media at London...
Gina Marchetti, Aaron Han Joon Magnan-Park and Stacilee Ford, from the University of Hong Kong, explain the thinking behind their bold new MOOC, Hong Kong Cinema Through a Global Lens. Most MOOCs originate...
Film historian James Leahy provides a personal view of three of the films made by the educator and film director Thorold Dickinson which are now available on DVD. About the author: James Leahy is a...
JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments, was established in October 2006 as the first online journal devoted to video-publication of biological and biomedical research with the aim of improving the...
Kevin Wilson of Goldsmiths College asks, what does video streaming mean for the higher education library? About the Author: Kevin Wilson is Subject Librarian for the Institute for Management Studies and...
Dr Melanie Bell, University of Leeds, provides an overview of a new Learning on Screen resource, which sheds light on the history of women’s contribution to British film and television production. About...
The winners of the 2014 Learning on Screen awards are as follows: Educational Multimedia Award 50 Years of the National Theatre National Theatre The 50 years of the National Theatre iPad app is a rich...
José Arroyo, Principal Teaching Fellow In Film and Television Studies at the University of Warwick, underlines his experiences teaching at Cuba’s world-renowned Escuela Internacional de Cine y...
The InView resource is a collaboration between Jisc and the British Film Institute, delivering hundreds of hours of material from the BFI Film and TV Archives. Patrick Russell looks at the aims of the...